about the chances of Amelia and Tray Dawson sticking together. Tray, a werewolf, worked as a
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motorcycle repairman and as muscle for hire. Amelia was an up-and-coming witch, and her dad was
immensely wealthy, even after Katrina. The hurricane had spared most of the materials at his contracting
warehouse and provided him with enough work to last for decades.
According to Amelia’s brain, tonight was the night—not the night Tray asked Amelia to marry him, but
the night Tray came out. Tray’s dual nature was a plus to my roommate, who was attracted by the exotic.
I went in the employee entrance and right to Sam’s office. “Hey, boss,” I said when I saw him behind his
desk. Sam hated to work on the books, but that was what he was doing. Maybe it was providing a
needed distraction. Sam looked worried. His hair was even more tangled than usual, its strawberry
waves standing out in a halo around his narrow face.
“Brace yourself. Tonight’s the night,” he said.
I was so proud he’d told me, and he’d echoed my own thoughts so closely, I couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m ready. I’ll be right here.” I dropped my purse in the deep drawer in his desk and went to tie on my
apron. I was relieving Holly, but after I’d had a talk with her about the customers at our tables, I said,
“You oughta stick around tonight.”
She looked at me sharply. Holly had recently been letting her hair grow out, so the dyed black ends
looked like they’d been dipped in tar. Her natural color, now showing about an inch at the roots, turned
out to be a pleasant light brown. She’d colored it for so long that I’d clean forgotten. “This going to be
good enough for me to keep Hoyt waiting?” she asked. “Him and Cody get along like a house on fire,
but I am Cody’s mama.” Hoyt, my brother Jason’s best buddy, had been co-opted by Holly. Now he was
her follower.
“You should stay awhile.” I gave her a significant lift of my eyebrows.
Holly said, “The Weres?” I nodded, and her face brightened with a grin. “Oh, boy! Arlene’s going to
have a shit fit.”
Arlene, our coworker and former friend, had become politically sensitized a few months before by one
of her string of man friends. Now she was somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun, especially on
vampire issues. She’d even joined the Fellowship of the Sun, a church in all but name. She was standing
at one of her tables now, having a serious conversation with her man, Whit Spradlin, a FotS official of
some sort who had a day job at one of the Shreveport Home Depots. He had a sizeable bald patch and a
little paunch, but that didn’t make any nevermind to me. His politics did. He had a buddy with him, of
course. The FotS people seemed to run in packs—just like another minority group they were about to
My brother, Jason, was at a table, too, with Mel Hart. Mel worked at Bon Temps Auto Parts, and he was
about Jason’s age, maybe thirty-one. Slim and hard-bodied, Mel had longish light brown hair, a
mustache and beard, and a pleasant face. I’d been seeing Jason with Mel a lot lately. Jason had had to fill
the gap Hoyt had left, I assumed. Jason wasn’t happy without a sidekick. Tonight both men had dates.
Mel was divorced, but Jason was still nominally married, so he had no business being out in public with
another woman. Not that anyone here would blame him. Jason’s wife, Crystal, had been caught cheating
with a local guy.
I’d heard Crystal had moved her pregnant self back to the little community of Hotshot to stay with
relatives. (She could find a room in any house in Hotshot and be with relatives. It’s that kind of place.)
Mel Hart had been born in Hotshot, too, but he was the rare member of the tribe who’d chosen to live
To my surprise Bill, my ex-boyfriend, was sitting with another vampire, named Clancy. Clancy wasn’t
my favorite guy regardless of his nonliving status. They both had bottles of TrueBlood on the table in
front of them. I didn’t think Clancy had ever dropped in to Merlotte’s for a casual drink before, and
certainly never with Bill.
“Hey, guys, need a refill?” I asked, smiling for all I was worth. I’m a little nervous around Bill.
“Please,” Bill said politely, and Clancy shoved his empty bottle toward me.
I stepped behind the bar to get two more TrueBloods out of the refrigerator, and I uncapped them and
1.南方戏血鬼/Southern Vampire9-Dead and Gone (恐怖小說現代)
9708人喜歡2.修真修緣只因你 (幻情小說古代)
7129人喜歡3.棄初的碰常 (清穿小說古代)
3688人喜歡4.(甄嬛傳同人)我穿越成甄嬛初事業心爆棚 (權謀小說古代)
6197人喜歡6.[我英]一片冰心在玉壺 (蘿莉小說現代)
1417人喜歡7.如何阻止男主發瘋 (同人小說現代)
2802人喜歡8.極致甜寵 (原創小說現代)
9482人喜歡9.宿舍h (耽美小說現代)
9466人喜歡10.如洩不通 (耽美小說現代)
7672人喜歡11.媽媽的淪陷 (學生小說現代)
7488人喜歡12.凰女謀嫁天下 (穿越小說古代)
8923人喜歡14.(歌劇魅影同人)当蔼的王爾德[歌劇魅影] (職場小說現代)
8172人喜歡15.摺紙玫瑰 (HE小說現代)
7765人喜歡16.公車系列(H) (養成小說現代)
4425人喜歡17.嫂子 (耽美現代現代)
2358人喜歡18.病美人他不想擺爛[穿書] (耽美小說古代)